The Human Effect

I was recently interviewed by Keren Rivas at my alma mater, Elon University. I was asked to share a bit about my background and the opportunities I saw when it comes to sustainable business practices.

The point, she says, is not to make everyone feel depressed or guilty, but rather to force us to move beyond it in order to be inspired to create a new system. If you work for a company that manufactures a product, ask how that product is made. If you are a materials scientist, endeavor to develop more sustainable materials. If you’re a stay-at-home parent, plant a garden to attract butterflies. “We need it all,” Matos says. “And if you are in a position to do something big and inspiring, do it. Now is the time to do it. We need abundance thinking and an abundance mindset in order to think beyond our existing system. We need creativity right now.”

You can read more and find the original post here - The Human Effect.
