Holding space for vulnerability and imperfection in our global supply chains

It was such a pleasure to dive deep into the vast opportunity companies have to contribute to positive social and environmental impacts throughout their global supply chains.

When we start to shine light on the environmental and social impacts of a corporation, we often are shining light in the shadows, so we see a lot of dark, murky and very challenging things. What we don't want to do is only budget for revealing the challenges — we need to budget for response as well. So bring your CFO into these conversations as well. That is the other piece: Collaborate and converse with other functions within your company. Internal buy-in is essential, especially when it comes to sales, procurement, compliance and finance. These areas of the business all have unique pressures that can overcome efforts related to impact if those pressures are not considered and addressed early on.

You can read more and find the original post here - ESG insights: ‘Many companies have been gathering data that could be used to measure social impact for more than 20 years’